Hello Everyone!!! (^.^)
It was fun and simple random day at Sentosa...
And I totally ENJOY myself to the max...
Usually, I am never a fan of Sentosa as I try to avoid the sun as much as I can...
I love to be fair. :)
But because of my darling Kiki Babygirl, I make an effort to meet up with ever fun and cheerful friends for some chillax @ Sentosa...
So here u go...
Wan Xin, Amelin, Alicia
Huat cai aka Loowie
Uber cute and energetic and so playful!
Kiki Baobei
My darling baby girl...
so princessy and girly~
The super adorable couple!
Wan Xin and Lincoln KK... hehe..
Amelin and her lovely girl~ LOOWIE!
and KIKI!
Wan Xin Babe~
Alicia and the babies~
Can't believe the 2 babies are so photogenic esp Loowie :)
This is Lincoln's Mama... hehe...
She looks so cool ya? And she's real nice and patient!
While we are so busy having fun, She's lovingly taking care of our doggies.
I feel so "pai seh" ... :P
" I am sexy and I have Six pack! (no... One big pack? ) ...haha..
and I looovvvee doggies! "
"Oh Ya... and I am sweet and cute too! " hee...
Lincoln KK.. joking ah...
Pretty girls, Nice sunny Beach... 2 cute doggies ... Love to e max.
Another friend with Lincolm mama... This girl is so shy... and it makes her kinda of cute ~ hehe...
Mommy and Daughter ... *sweet*
Everyone busy with their own thing...
The camwhorers camwhoring...
The others chill~
So relax and comfortable... No awkward moments.
I like~
Lincoln and Me.. :)
My girl drinking chilled milk on a hot saturday!

My girl KiKi , though she looks so small.. But she's a total glutton. And her biggest motivation is
treats , dog meat and human food. haha..
Wherea, puppy Loowie who's only 6 months old...so cute and playful and absolutely adorable and smells damn good LOVES to play...
How I wish my Kiki is like Loowie...
cus her mommie loves playtime! haha...
Can u see the treats dangling ? hehe...
" Gimme my food please, Lincoln KK! "
After swimming.. haha... She became a "chihuahua"...hehe...Tat's how small she is...only 2kg... :)
"Look Mummy! I am swimming!!! though I HATE SWIMMING! But mummy find it very entertaining just by looking at me swim...haha.. Yeah... I know it's damn funny. Happy! "
Loowie virgin swimming trip! And she's damn good at it. So smooth as if she's been swimming all her life... :)
Clean and fresh after washing up! :)
Can u see Loowie following behind? She's so cute...Always love playing with Kiki!
Then randomly, we saw some boys playing banana boat right in front of our spot... so we decided to have some fun on the banana boat too..haha..
And I am so excited though!
It was real fun and crazy haha...
Though I believe it could be more exciting ...cuz I've tried more crazy rides overseas...
But playing it with my friends is much more fun and enjoyable! :)
say cheese evreryone!
It was a real happy and fun day!
Thank you Lincoln for inviting me along!
I will be praying for more happy days like this!