Saturday, October 2, 2010

Be my friend?

.R E S T L E S S.

Increasinly, I've been finding it real hard to make new genuine long lasting friendship.
The ones you see in the drama *Friends* ...

I have absolutely no problem making new friends!
But I find it so hard to maintain the friendship!

It seems like, I know everyone.But I dun reallie know them at all.
Everyone are jus aquantaince.

it's my job hazard, I guess.

Because I meet new people everyday in my job.

And I reallie do enjoy meeting new people all the time...
And many times, I meet really genuine, nice and caring people... :) 

But in my line of work, it's so so so hard to maintiain friendship.

Both parties would need to put in alot of effort and many a times, it is not possible because of personal comittments.

wat a pity~

All I wan is genuine ppl who shares the same interest and wavelength as me ~ 
Ppl who love one and another genuinely~
Ppl who will be there for me when I need them most~
Ppl whom I will love with all my life~

but pls note, never ppl who takes advantage of friends.
(I seem to always have all these crows hanging around me!)

And I seriously despise these ppl.
Friends aren't meant for that.

They are for...
Sharing and caring and love~

Tat's all~

And I've been feeling real restless these days~

I feel like I've been wasting precious time away.
Yeah~ Tat's me, now.

Maybe I should pick a new hobby.

U know, pick up dancing lessons, or singing... and make new friends! :)

Be my friend~
Not a passerby~



*I'll be sweet~ * promise you~* (*.*)


Biopolymath said...

In my world of science, meeting people is of utmost importance too! I've always asked for Facebook addresses, in hope of growing the friendship. I faced so many types of attitudes, even if they approved friend request, I never meet the person again (in person!), sometimes.

I get to know people, to develop a meaningful friendship, either it's a time thing or individual circumstances. But do remember, be on good terms with people!

AliciaYSL said...


Erm... To be honest,I am afraid I am one of those ppl who u term as "attitude FB friends" ...haha..

I am not a fan of adding strangers on my private FB account.. Firstly due to my Work commitments...
And basically, I believe FB is basically for networking for ppl I personally know.. :)

When I meant be my friends, I meant I am looking for the one or two true, genuine, thru life and death BFF~ :)

But u r so right on one thing....

Have a good day!
And thank you so much for commenting!

It makes my day a lil more fulfilling! :)