Monday, May 23, 2011

Happy girl.

Am not very motivated to blog nowadays~
Am very lazy these days~

Anyway, Back from my short trip...
Really enjoyed myself~
Sharing a few pics here~
Will share more when I get more photos... :)
Anyway, Came back from the trip with some reallie HUGE pressies from the Mosquitoes there!
The mozzies there are really commando trained lor!
My arms swelled up to almost doubled its size!
but thankfully, it has all subsided now~ :)
It was so nice to not think bout work and truly relax for a few short days!
It was even nicer to be with my loves~ :)

Let's do it again next month? (^,^) hehe...
*can't wait for the next one*
Back home with my baby girl!
Totally LOVE her much!
This is how she sleeps in the car!
so cute!
LOVES to sleep on my lap~ :)
Have been in the awfully playful mode!
Could it be cuz the holidays are approaching?
but wat has it gotta to do with me! haha...

My leave starts next month~
can't wait~

Now going to bed...
preparing for a short & lovely day tmr~ :)

P/S Thanks for pampering me once more~ (*.*)

Sunday, May 15, 2011



was in L.A for the past week!
And it was Awesome!!!! :)

was I missed back in sunny homeland... hehe.. (:

Or maybe you guys been missing my baby girl more... ? hehe... :)
This month...
Let's go Au'Naturel!

I've been receiving comments bout my good skin recently...
yup...onli recently... :S

so decided to camwhore a lil bare-faced! :P

my lil secret skincare routine:
Been masking and mosturizing religiously! :)
Imma a strong believer in consistently masking and mosturizing well.
And of course the right skincare products HELP tremendously. :)

I've always been rather self-concious of baring all~
But with the right skincare products.
And of course diligence...
I've got some of that lost confidence back.

Let's see how long this lazy girl can be consistent. haha.. :)

And the feeling of baring it all is surprisingly refeshing! :)

This post is so random.
Cuz I'm jus super tired.
(Jus touchdowned from LA this morning...)

And I've been busy running errands...
Spending some Quality time with my baby girl~
(well.. I bathed her. and she hates it. hehe.. )

cuz I'm going off for short and hopefully rejuvenating trip to indonesia tmr for 3 days.

I'm so excited.

seeya soon!


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Be blinded no more!!!

I came across this FB article. And I find it realie interesting and relevant to discribe the feelings our Singaporean in general now.

First of all, from wat I know, The opposition has been stronger than ever in this year's election.

And most of their followers are aggresive and vocal.

To the point that I find it insane and crazy.
They have lost their ability to think FACTS and to reason.
I find that the opposition supporters are so blinded!!!

On the other hand, PAP supporters are calm, clear minded. Quietly supporting. Unwavering. Grateful. Contented. Appreciative. Concerned.

And the difference between the Oppostion Supporters and PAP supporters brings to mind one very apt thoughts to me...


this ELECTION is about our FUTURE.

If Opposition wins. And should they FAIL to carry out their unrealistic promises that they have campaigned and painted the perfect picture about, Singaporeans will suffer for the next 5 years.

Singapore is not Singapore today without PAP. let's face it.

Be blinded no more, my fellow singaporeans.

May you be if not... a little enlightened by the below article! :)!/notes/gregory-leow/vote-wisely/10150159405667499

*reposted from forwarded email*

While walking down the street one day a MP is tragically hit by a truck and dies.
The MP's soul arrives in heaven and is met by St. Peter at the entrance.

"Welcome to heaven," says St. Peter . "Before you settle in, it seems there is a problem. We seldom see a high official around these parts, you see, so we're not sure what to do with you."

"No problem, just let me in," says the MP.

St. Peter says, "Well, I'd like to, but I have orders from higher up. What we'll do is have you spend one day in hell and one in heaven. Then you can choose where to spend eternity."

"Really, I've made up my mind. I want to be in? heaven," says the MP.

"I'm sorry, but we have our rules", replies St.Peter.

And with that, St. Peter escorts him to the elevator and he goes down, down, down to hell. The doors open and he finds himself in the middle of a green golf course. In the distance is a clubhouse and standing in front of it are all his friends and other politicians who had worked with him.

Everyone is very happy and in evening dress. They run to greet him, shake his hand, and reminisce about the good times they had while getting rich at the expense of the people.

They play a friendly game of golf and then dine on lobster, caviar and champagne.

Also present is the Devil, who really is a very friendly guy who has a good time dancing and telling jokes. They are having such a good time that before he realizes it, it is time to go.

Everyone gives him a hearty farewell and waves while the elevator rises...

The elevator goes up, up, up and the door reopens on heaven where St. Peter is waiting for him.

"Now it's time to visit heaven," St Peter says.

So, 24 hours pass with the MP joining a group of contented souls moving from cloud to cloud, playing the harp and singing. They have a good time and the 24 hours in heaven passes by and St Peter returns.

"Well, you've spent a day in hell and another in heaven. Now which will you choose for your eternity?" St Peter asks.

The MP reflects for a minute, then he answers, "Well, I never would have thought it before, I mean heaven has been delightful, but I think I would be happier and better off .. in hell."

So St. Peter escorts him to the elevator and he goes down, down, down to hell.

Now the doors of the elevator open and he's in the middle of a barren land covered with waste and garbage.

He sees all his friends, dressed in rags, picking up the trash and putting it in black bags as more trash falls from above.

The Devil comes over to him and puts his arm around his shoulder.

"I don't understand," stammers the MP. "Yesterday I was here and there was a golf course and clubhouse, and we ate lobster and caviar, drank champagne, and danced and had a great time. Now there's just a wasteland full of garbage and my friends look miserable. What happened?"

The Devil looks at him, smiles and says,

"Yesterday we were campaigning.......

Today .. YOU voted.

Remember Election is here.

VOTE wisely


Monday, May 2, 2011

Reality is not a Campaign~

Okie... This is one of the very rare Elections video that captures my attention so far... :)
24 yr old Nicole Seah's speech.

For a start, I have absolutely NOTHING against this girl.
In fact, I pretty much like her.
I love her candidness, her firmness when she talk, and most importantly her intellect.

But I can't help but wonder when I was watching the I jus thought I would air it out on my blog. hehe...

The below is a summary of her speech.
And in grey are my personal thoughts/ a fellow 24yr old opinion..hehe.. :)

*NSP - Nicole Seah Party...

-NSP mentioned , she has NEVER seen her MP in her life before even though she has been living in Tampines all her life. 

I've been living in my Estate all my life too. And I have never seen my MP before too!!! wats the big deal. As long as the job of upkeeping the estate is done well. And I do strongly believe that Tampines is one of the best Estate to live in... so many shopping malls, eateries... Schools around...Besides. LEE KUAN YEW has done an excellent job in building up this Nation. But I've never seen him before too!  The question here is...Is there a need to see?

-PAP candidateTin Pei Ling has announce a pledge to tell all hawkers to keep their prices down for six months. This to NSP, speaks of a government who cannot even see the root of the problem. To NSP, She ask..."Who's gonna absorb the burden for the hawkers?" with all the rising cost of rental, raw materials. etc.

Alright, so the current government is not able to solve the problem. And seriously, can the opposition team with less experience solve this problem? HELLO? This is a campaign. NSP will surely say all beautiful words "our fellow singaporean" wants to hear. But...To be able to put "beautiful words" into action is gonna be reallie tough.

So lemme guess, how the opposition might choose to solve the problem.
Maybe they will bring down rent for all hawkers. keeping food affordable for "our fellow singaporeans".
But wat bout maintenance fees?
Ok... maybe they will bring down the maintenance fees for the hawkers as well.
But the hawker centre surely need maintenance every other month to ensure it is a safe and pleasant place to dine in right?
But the maintenance company charges market rate for all maintenance work .. They dun wanna work for people who can't afford to pay well. It's market rate. It's business, I guess...

But with all fees cut down easing the burden of "our fellow singaporean"... Maintenance work slows down too...cuz cash flow is lesser. And lesser maintenance means a worst enviroment for all of us.
Erm... is this a solution? dunno... maybe I am jus bull shitting. haha.

But just from my personal experience, In the last five years. LIVING here in my estate is increasingly more and more comfortable. Thanks to the upgrading efforts from PAP.

My family esp my mom appreciates the SHELTER facilities that were newly built cuz now... with all the erratic weather... all the sporadic rain. I dun even need a umbrella to get to the Hawker centre that is 5min walk away. It is fully sheltered!

And I absolutely LOVE the slopes that were built beside the staircase. Great for wheel-chaired bound elderly taking a stroll.. or babies in pram...BEST FOR ME when I needa to LUG a heavy cargo bag out.

And now the lift-upgrading is in process. In no time to come, I will have full access to the lift right at my doorstep! *Can't wait*

All these needs money. so wat if we pay a little more for alot more convenience?
Everyone has a baby. or a elderly at home someday. who would truly needs to use them wat.

-Nsp mentions that we need an opposition to maintain checks and balances to make sure that we dun let them (PAP) get their way all the time.

well... I reallie agree to this mostly.
And I think Opposition should always jus be opposition. and never take over from PAP. haha..

-NSP : Opposition manifesto has more pic then a children story book.

Erm... okie... so it jus goes to show the opposition has reallie good illustrators lor! BRAVO! *three big claps!*:P

-NSP: PAP talks about securing the future together when we can't even secure the present right now.

Erm... It seems to me Singapore is in a pretty stable shape compares to Europe or States leh.
And it seems to me Singapore Future seems to be shining!
And more and more ppl are getting to know bout Singapore.
Five years ago, When I travel... I tell people that I am from Singapore.They goes is it in malaysia or china... (-,-) They dun even know wth is Singapore.
Today, when I am overseas. They look at me... and they go... so you girls are from singapore right? :)
And... wat bout the present. Isn't it GREAT! Singaporeans seem to be reallie rich. Properties's flying like hot cakes.
And wat's more we survived the last financial crisis pretty well eh...

-And NSP ends off with her 2 points here :

To me...

 Point 1. I sincerely do hope Singaporeans are smarter this year and vote wisely. Plus I am certain Singaporeans do not fear. we're getting so vocal these days. :P

I would rather vote in the party that will ACTION my best interest!

As we all know. "Actions speaks louder than words!"
Opposition may paint the most beautiful picture for "fellow singaporeans".
If at the end of the day. Actions could not materialize. They are just bullshit.
They can have the most colourful or picturesque manifesto. If all else fails. they can jus go be toilet paper! :P

And who else... other than PAP shown actions thruout the years? :)

Lastly, I do agree with Nicole Seah on her below words:


yup. So true. Jus like my mom and dad. They check and balance each other all the time when it comes to disiplining their kids aka yours truly!

I certainly cannot stand my DAD alone telling me wat to do ALL THE TIME.
Sometimes, he makes mistake. And my mom tells him gently.
And I get off the hook! ;)haha

Finally, all I wanna say is.
The opposition is CAMPAIGNING TO WIN.
They can say or "sell" anything JUST TO WIN.
They will try to alter and change your perception as much as they can!


*VOTE WISELY!* "my fellow singaporeans" :P


Sunday, May 1, 2011

OMG! I'm talking Politics! :)

So... I heard Singapore's pretty much in a Frantic Election Frenzy neh...:)

PAP Party VS The Oppositions! :) 

Ok... This month has been a lil bit of busy month for me, thus I wasn't reallie on top of my beloved country's current affairs. (-.-")


seriously, call me dumb ...
or maybe...
 you can call me...

BIMBO! (^.-)
(beautiful,Intelligent,Mesmirizing,Breathtaking,simply Owesome!!!) ;)

But seriously, I dun really give a damn bout the ongoing Elections. boo~
Okie... This is my first year voting.
I guess, I should be reallie excited or at least concerned bout it...
since it totally concerns the future of Singapore. :)

But...the fact is I jus can't be bothered.
It is mainly due to fact that most likely, I'll not be in Singapore during the voting day.

And most importantly...
I dun understand..
wat's the point of voting...
If the world is going to end soon!!!
hahaha... =P

Alright, I'm so negative. I know...
(and I can still laugh bout it.. )

well... on a more serious note.
Voting is compulsory for all Singaporeans aged 21 and above.

so... even if I am not voting physically, I shall speak abit more of my prefered choice here.

so, for many years, the PAP workers party has been doing damn well of a good job building and leading Singapore...
Bringing Singapore to where we are today.

Having travelled far and wide across the world...
I really really do appreciate wat the government has done thru out a short 45 years since our independence day with PAP thru out. We have come sooo far.

Imagine jus how hard it is to run a household.Your business/company.
I can only imagine how tough and how determine and how wise...
The PAP party, Our very own Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew have been.
oh, How far have we truly come.

Having been flying all around,
I've always looked forward to coming back home to Singapore.
Even if I may complain that it is boring at times.
But sometimes, Boring yet safe is jus perfect.

I admit!

I may whine and complain alot bout Singapore!
cuz I am a true-blue Singaporean afterall!!! haha...

But deep inside me...
I LOVE MY COUNTRY (so cheesy ahhhh...) :P
for the most practical reasons!

And most importantly...
It feels like home.

And I have to say ...
All that I feel is PAP unrentless efforts for 45 years...
Do you know....?

Transportation :
The MRT train system in Singapore is so convenient for all.
It is fast, clean and efficient.
And most importantly, it is "idiot" proof.
Which means, even tourist travelling here for the first few time would learn it quickly.

Nearly everywhere is dotted with Bus-stops...
which means Bus-taking is jus as efficient and convenient..
(Apart from the traffic jam ;))

Now to CAB. My favourite mode of transport.
Lots of them everywhere...
(Comfort,efficiency ... needless to say. ;P )
And to be honest, amidst all the inflation...
I still find it pretty affordable.
I mean...I see students cabbing to school all the time!

An increasing problem in Singapore, I personally feel would be the MASSIVE TRAFFIC JAMS during peak hours.

But you know... how long can a jam get in Singapore right??? :P

Traffic Jam can get so much worst in the States.
Or even countries like Indonesia or Bangkok.
so like...
(Singaporeans love to complain.)
But come on la...
Singapore is so small!
How long can a traffic jam get...?
It's a common problem thruout the world wat.
Ppl gets more educated.
They learn driving. Naturally... They would wanna own a car.
In a increasingly affluent country like Singapore...
More ppl get car. More JAM la.
The gorvernment did implement measures to reduce the jam wat...
(And of course with the ERP and wat nots... we complain again la...)
But wat to do. would you volunteer to give up ur car and conver to public transport?
To improve the traffic conditions on the road willingly... ? NO wattttt!

The housing system in Singapore is so perfect!
Most of the local owns their own house.
Be it HDB or private housing...
Do you know how important that is to a family.
To your own physcological aspect.
You know , everyday after a hard day's work... You know you have your own home to return to.
Its the idea of always having a roof over our head.
As long as you are willing to work hard, You'll be able to survive in Singapore.
(At the moment.I guess.)

Did you know, In alot of other country....
To be able to afford your own roof is reallie expensive.
Most ppl rent a place to stay.
They gotta struggle to pay rent every month.
And as we all know...
Rental can take up almost all your salary every year. And you don't even own the place at the end of the day. boo. :(

And most the thing I love most about Singapore housing.
Would be that it is so so so CLEAN!!!!
Everyday, The engaged cleaner will dutifully clean up our estate.
And they are getting so efficient and good at their job.
In the morning, you see doodles on the lift wall... in the evening ... it's cleaned up.
Did you know how bad some housing is across the world.
In india... I see ppl living slums.
They dun even have a proper roof over their head.

Even little things like Sanitise Tap water  here...
is so absolutely wonderful.
When I travel, Other then Australia.
I always gotta buy Mineral Water... cuz it's simply not safe to drink from tap.
I'm not even sure if boiling it is gonna be ok for consumption.
In the states...
I see ppl loading up their car boot with mineral Water from the store ...:)
I remember a couple of times, when I was in Los Angeles...
The tap water was soapy and yellowish for a few days.
yucks! How awful is that.  (-_-")

"Singapore's so small... =(" *whines*
because Singapore's so small....
It is so accessible everywhere.
Think bout it.
You can go from one end of singapore to the end...
In less than one hour on a good traffic day!

Cuz I stay so far from the airport and generally, on a good traffic day... I can even cab to the airport in a record 20min time!!!
And mind you...I stay on the other end! *triumphant smile* (^.^)

Apart from our mega malls in Orchard Road....
did you not know how awesomely amazing our heartland malls are??? :)
Most Heartland mall here are packed  with all major brands and a wide variety of clean hygienic food! omg!
I can't even start.
even H&M is coming to Singapore.
I dun even needa to wait for my States flight to get my monthly style fix. :P

My new FAV is NEX@Serangoon!!!
Gotta LURVE the doggie cafe! :)
Though the security gaurd's a lil uptight bout my doggie... ahaha... :P

I dun even wanna talk bout the 24hours convenience stall...
or most importantly the 24hrs eateries(think late night supper!!! wat a guilty pleasure!) dotting the nation.
Did you know whenever I am in Perth..
(due to the location I stay in...)
I would always make sure I get my food before 5pm....
If not... most of the decent food joints will be closed.
And I gotta settle for cold  packed food or junk food... or room service. hehe...

so yup... let's not even get started talking bout the nightlife! :)
It's decent enough.
And think bout all the club-hopping!!!! :P
If u r a tourist...
You can club-hop and if u r good.
U get to enjoy all of da Locals hottest club in a night!!! woohoo!!!! ;)

So yup...
Singapore's so comfortably convenient!!!!
I LOVE..... =P

so... we are young ppl right?
let's talk alittle more bout FUN STUFF!!!*YAY*
Let's be honest.
Singapore's so small...
There isn't exactly much fun in Singapore ya?

But we have actually have quite alot of attractions in Singapore.
Like the latest Universal Studios I have yet to go... :)

And besides.. other then clubbing chilling shopping ktv-ing...
erm.. I can't think of anything better than that.

I have been to Los Angeles... so many times.
even staying right next to the Disneyland before..
But I've never been there!
So like... wat's the big deal bout tourist attraction?

I think if I have the time other than working...
I still prefer to take a holiday to some exotic destination! haha...

afterall, Singapore's a safe home!

Well, I guess among all the other factors...
Our government has managed to keep our country very safe!!!

which I love it the most!!!

I can't tell you how very safe I feel in Singapore!
How I feel safe enough to wear shorts or short skirt here...
or How safe I feel to go home alone in the middle of the night at 2am.
(which is not too often...haha)
I'm pretty safety conscious! haha...
Did you know..
I rarely wear shorts or short skirt overseas.
Unless I am with ppl who will accompany me back to my hotel safely.
I'm usually quite covered up due to safety reason.. haha...
I dun believe in inviting trouble.

Did you know in some traditional country,
girls who exposed their legs or arms are such a big deal to the guys.
ok... I can imagine.... esp... when the women in ur country are covered from head to toe.
or probly...
some Westerners jus love asian girls!
Ok I am not gonna bite my words.
The world is so filled with perverts and sickos! HATE THEM!(-.-)

And I appreciate the culture in Singapore that shorts or tubes are so common! :)
cuz It is way more comfortable as our weather gets more humid and hotter!

And you won't even believe the trouble I almost got into overseas...
Almost robbed in Bangkok.
Almost pickpocketed in Milan H&M by a seemingly innocent kind old lady.
Followed by in Milan ... gotta seek refuge in a hearby hotel.
Approach in States to go to some unknown garage.
Grabbed and almost pulled away in HongKong. Thanks to my colleagus who saved me.
Followed again this time almost all the way to my hotel room in San Francisco.Thanks to a quick witted senior colleague... I am safe.
Lotsa of crazy ppl in States tapping at me and stuff...

And wat bout the occasional times, I almost got rundown by speeding irresponsible drivers...
In fact, I just came from Brisbane... And an accident happened right in front of my eyes.
The driver at fault : a Young irrational australian teenager who doesn't think it's he's fault , all smug and arrogant. wtf.
Fortunately no one's hurt.

And lastly...
I am not even gonna start talking bout natural disaster around the world at any time.
Singapore's at such a prime location...
we dun even need to worry bout earthquake.

wat love most bout my country...
Thanks to PAP...
I feel so safe! :)

It is a well recognized fact that Singapore has one of the best Education system ever! :)

so ...
I reallie dun even wanna talk bout it ya!



PAP has been doing such a FANTASTIC job for our country!!!!
And in such a short amount time.
(Think about India, Indonesia or even China...
who is still struggling...)

Do you really believe the oppositions will be able achieve wat the PAP can acheive.
This is a country we are talking about.
Not a household.

This our future we are talking bout.
But of course...
we dunno wat our future absolutely hold.

PAP has proven themselves ya?

Like our beloved MM Lee Kuan Yew says...
"Vote wisely"

oh... and Last but not least.

erm.. will the opposition be so generous? :S

My voting decision is pretty obvious isn't it?
haha ... :P

but Guess I will be in other part of the world liao neh!

hope I didn't bore you guys with my political views/rubbish.

I am not really good at this... but I try.
And these are my thoughts! :)

I came across a youtube video on Nicole Seah (Opposition Party) talking bout the PAP party, shortly after I published this post...
And I do sort of agree with her to a certain extent.
And I do like certain things that she said.
But still... I stand by my decision and loves.
Mainly because regardless... of all other external factors that PAP has done or have failed to do.
PAP has worked well for me all my life. :)
(will try to blog a lil bout Nicole Seah speech if I have time...)haha..

hope you enjoy reading them!
(vote for me! vote for me! vote for me!!! (^.*)