Met up with my childhood friend XiaNoi on my birthday for lunch... :)
Wat are good friends for... ?They are by your side. When you need them the most. They happen to call when u r lonely. They never need to ask. They only wait. for they know... when u r ready... you will tell them... They share the good and bad together...They dun judge each other... no matter wat. They only support quietly. They never fail to celebrate ur birthday with you.
My Good friend. Xia Noi.
My birthday Cake .Simple. No fancy candles.Jus one small slice. Jus the way I like it.
My baby Kiki. Loving her more and more each days.
Looking for food ?
Birthday kiss from my little girl~
I never knew.. such a strong bond can ever happen. :)

Which one should I choose neh?
Beautiful wallpaper~
Finally... My choice~
Then... I make a wish .
Xia noi say... Why ur pose for wish making so funny one... ?
So... I burst into laughter... hahaha...
And make my wish...
in a traditional way~ hee..
Starting with the strawberry~
Shall we share it?

No. haha...

Thanks babe... For the wonderful lunch~
I reallie enjoyed myself!!!
Let's do it again!!!
Take care of urself k?

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