Monday, May 2, 2011

Reality is not a Campaign~

Okie... This is one of the very rare Elections video that captures my attention so far... :)
24 yr old Nicole Seah's speech.

For a start, I have absolutely NOTHING against this girl.
In fact, I pretty much like her.
I love her candidness, her firmness when she talk, and most importantly her intellect.

But I can't help but wonder when I was watching the I jus thought I would air it out on my blog. hehe...

The below is a summary of her speech.
And in grey are my personal thoughts/ a fellow 24yr old opinion..hehe.. :)

*NSP - Nicole Seah Party...

-NSP mentioned , she has NEVER seen her MP in her life before even though she has been living in Tampines all her life. 

I've been living in my Estate all my life too. And I have never seen my MP before too!!! wats the big deal. As long as the job of upkeeping the estate is done well. And I do strongly believe that Tampines is one of the best Estate to live in... so many shopping malls, eateries... Schools around...Besides. LEE KUAN YEW has done an excellent job in building up this Nation. But I've never seen him before too!  The question here is...Is there a need to see?

-PAP candidateTin Pei Ling has announce a pledge to tell all hawkers to keep their prices down for six months. This to NSP, speaks of a government who cannot even see the root of the problem. To NSP, She ask..."Who's gonna absorb the burden for the hawkers?" with all the rising cost of rental, raw materials. etc.

Alright, so the current government is not able to solve the problem. And seriously, can the opposition team with less experience solve this problem? HELLO? This is a campaign. NSP will surely say all beautiful words "our fellow singaporean" wants to hear. But...To be able to put "beautiful words" into action is gonna be reallie tough.

So lemme guess, how the opposition might choose to solve the problem.
Maybe they will bring down rent for all hawkers. keeping food affordable for "our fellow singaporeans".
But wat bout maintenance fees?
Ok... maybe they will bring down the maintenance fees for the hawkers as well.
But the hawker centre surely need maintenance every other month to ensure it is a safe and pleasant place to dine in right?
But the maintenance company charges market rate for all maintenance work .. They dun wanna work for people who can't afford to pay well. It's market rate. It's business, I guess...

But with all fees cut down easing the burden of "our fellow singaporean"... Maintenance work slows down too...cuz cash flow is lesser. And lesser maintenance means a worst enviroment for all of us.
Erm... is this a solution? dunno... maybe I am jus bull shitting. haha.

But just from my personal experience, In the last five years. LIVING here in my estate is increasingly more and more comfortable. Thanks to the upgrading efforts from PAP.

My family esp my mom appreciates the SHELTER facilities that were newly built cuz now... with all the erratic weather... all the sporadic rain. I dun even need a umbrella to get to the Hawker centre that is 5min walk away. It is fully sheltered!

And I absolutely LOVE the slopes that were built beside the staircase. Great for wheel-chaired bound elderly taking a stroll.. or babies in pram...BEST FOR ME when I needa to LUG a heavy cargo bag out.

And now the lift-upgrading is in process. In no time to come, I will have full access to the lift right at my doorstep! *Can't wait*

All these needs money. so wat if we pay a little more for alot more convenience?
Everyone has a baby. or a elderly at home someday. who would truly needs to use them wat.

-Nsp mentions that we need an opposition to maintain checks and balances to make sure that we dun let them (PAP) get their way all the time.

well... I reallie agree to this mostly.
And I think Opposition should always jus be opposition. and never take over from PAP. haha..

-NSP : Opposition manifesto has more pic then a children story book.

Erm... okie... so it jus goes to show the opposition has reallie good illustrators lor! BRAVO! *three big claps!*:P

-NSP: PAP talks about securing the future together when we can't even secure the present right now.

Erm... It seems to me Singapore is in a pretty stable shape compares to Europe or States leh.
And it seems to me Singapore Future seems to be shining!
And more and more ppl are getting to know bout Singapore.
Five years ago, When I travel... I tell people that I am from Singapore.They goes is it in malaysia or china... (-,-) They dun even know wth is Singapore.
Today, when I am overseas. They look at me... and they go... so you girls are from singapore right? :)
And... wat bout the present. Isn't it GREAT! Singaporeans seem to be reallie rich. Properties's flying like hot cakes.
And wat's more we survived the last financial crisis pretty well eh...

-And NSP ends off with her 2 points here :

To me...

 Point 1. I sincerely do hope Singaporeans are smarter this year and vote wisely. Plus I am certain Singaporeans do not fear. we're getting so vocal these days. :P

I would rather vote in the party that will ACTION my best interest!

As we all know. "Actions speaks louder than words!"
Opposition may paint the most beautiful picture for "fellow singaporeans".
If at the end of the day. Actions could not materialize. They are just bullshit.
They can have the most colourful or picturesque manifesto. If all else fails. they can jus go be toilet paper! :P

And who else... other than PAP shown actions thruout the years? :)

Lastly, I do agree with Nicole Seah on her below words:


yup. So true. Jus like my mom and dad. They check and balance each other all the time when it comes to disiplining their kids aka yours truly!

I certainly cannot stand my DAD alone telling me wat to do ALL THE TIME.
Sometimes, he makes mistake. And my mom tells him gently.
And I get off the hook! ;)haha

Finally, all I wanna say is.
The opposition is CAMPAIGNING TO WIN.
They can say or "sell" anything JUST TO WIN.
They will try to alter and change your perception as much as they can!


*VOTE WISELY!* "my fellow singaporeans" :P



Anonymous said...

Yep, give yourself a pat on the back. Genuine opposition party candidates who have nothing to gain from contesting in elections other than slanderous remarks, threats, lawsuits and exile by the PAP.. yeah.. I'm sure they're doing it for personal gain. Not the PAP, who award their own ministers 3 million a year and take no responsibility when they screw up. Real sensible conclusion. I applaud you. You are so smart.

Anonymous said...

Oh come on, put something beneath
your skull, or else waste of space.

Anonymous said...

Well said alicia. :)

AliciaYSL said...

To Anonymous #2:

First of all,I admit, I am not the smartest of all human being...

All that I have stated on NSP or the opposition is my personal opinion.
(At least, I have a GUT to voice out OBJECTIVELY my opinion and thoughts.:) )

Secondly and most importantly, everything I have said are FACTS. maybe u r too blinded by your love for the "charming" NSP to see them.

FYI,should Opposition wins, they will NEVER be able to carry out their unrealistic promises to the public. THIS IS PLAIN and BASIC COMMONSENSE, MY DEAR... (if u have lost ur commonsense, my condolences)

Finally, Thank you for reading my blog and taking some time out for a "Waste of my blogspace comment". It is nontheless, very much appreciated. But didn't anyone teach you, if you have nothing nice to say, jus shut up? This is called BASIC MANNERS.

My dear "Waste of my blogspace" reader... my kindly advise to you to go brush up on ur BASICS. you seem to be very lacking of it.

btw... if you have the guts to write, why not the guts to leave your name?


* May God Bless you*

Much love,

AliciaYSL said...

To Anonymous #3: Thank you!!! :)

AliciaYSL said...

To Anonymous #1

First and foremost,Thank you for your compliment.

I really do think that my conclusion has been pretty sensible and objective (as u r unable to see objectivity ,clearly. )

Yeah sure...I think your so called "genuine" opposition candidates have lots to gain from this campaign. Not entirely jus because they wanna "STAND UP" for singaporeans.

For one. A Plain unknown 24yr old Singaporean like Nicole Seah has become imersely famous.So yeah. I think FAME is one of the factors.

And should your "genuine Opposition candidates" win the election, they will be raking in a decent amount of salary too wat.

wat's the deal?

so wat if the minister are raking in 3 million bucks every year. it doesn't really bothers me how much they earned as long as I'm happy with wat they did.

As long as you have wat it takes to be up there, And you can do your job well...who are we to dictates how much they should get?

Yeah sure... PAP makes mistake.

EVERYONE MAKES MISTAKE. You mean you are perfect ah?

Anyway, I find it pointless to argue over issues like this when I find you Opposition supporters are plain blinded by all.

For all the above point you've brought up. Pls Kindly visit the below webpage to seek enlightenment :

I'm sure she has already more than answered you.

BTW. THANKS for taking the time leave your comment! :)

so long...

May you be blessed with enlightenment before 7 MAY 2011. :)
