hee... I'M BACK again... with a whole new look ...!
I permed my hair in Korea @ 12midnight... !!!! *excitedness* :P
It cost me only 70SGD!!! *cheap cheap* :P
(for my hair length... it probly cost around 300Sgd in SIN!!! )
(This is my first time perming hair... :P Never had the courage to do it... even though I had been wanting to perm it for the longest time~ )
haha..The salon in Korea opens 24hours!!!
Great for shopping queens like me... :P
Wasting hours...sitting in the hair salon, on perming hair in the daytime is a BIG NO NO !!!!
Daytime should be reserved for pretty clothes... sexy high heels... funky bags... cute accessories...lovely make up ...blablala... and the list goes on... :S
Absolutely LURVE IT!!!!!!
*Happy and satisfied Alicia* ... haha...
NO... my dearies... I have not forgotten about the Athens post... coming up next...I promise!
It's almost ready :P (sorry neh!)
...and ...I am preparing to go out now... with someone absolutely special~ :)
*Looking forward*
*My heart skipping wildly*
*Butterflies in my belly*
*Can't stop thinking of you*
*I think I reallie miss you much*