Just a simple note to everyone out there...
Recently, Xianoi was at my house... then as I was logging in to FaceBook...
She saw my Homepage...
Then she exclaimed : " WOW... How come so many "friend request" ... ?
so... I decided to write a simple note here... (erm... hope u guys dun misunderstand me and think that I am "dao" ...)
My apologies to all those ppl who have added me in FB...
But... I am not too uncomfortable to adding strangers in my facebook...
I believe alot of ppl out there feels the same way too...
I hope you guys dun misunderstanding me and think that I am arrogant... (@.@)
In my personal opinion, Facebook is a personal networking website for me to keep in contact and catch up with my friends... ON THE LATEST GOSSIP... UPDATES... AND INFORMATION... :p
I dun feel too comfy for strangers to know the intimate details on what is going on in my life...
erm... not to say... I update my FB often... :P
...and... I feel that adding strangers into my FB... would expose my good friends details to others too... ? "think so" ...
And I think some ppl out there... who had added me ... dun even know who the heck I am...
erm.... I believe if you wanna know more about Alicia... There's always this blog here...
You can always leave a comment for me... I would appreciate it much~ :)
Unless there is a reallie great reason for me to add you.. I definitely will ... :P
I reallie dun wish to become like some other ppl who "collect" friends... to show off their popularity...
I'll like to be more sincere and genuine... if I can... at least to be honest to myself... :)
Anyway... whatever it is... I love you ppl~
Take care~
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