JJ Lin was on my flight yesterday... :)
Anyway... Initially, I was rostered a Hong Kong turnaround.... Then as Alicia totally HATE to do Hong Kong flight because of the troublesome passengers profile (a mix of demanding Singaporean... Frequent Flyers from Indonesia... or Hong Kong... ) ...
I decided to swap my flight with my colleague for standby duty...
This way... I have a very high chance to be call up for other flights... like probly a Milan...*Dream dream dreaming *
Then as fate would have it... I WAS CALLED UP FOR....HONG KONG!!!!
Which I went thru SOOOOO MUCH trouble to give it away...
No choice... gotta to do the flight~
Anyway... in so many ways, I was so glad that I am called up for that flight~
All the crew was super nice and friendly... :) not to mention helpful and pleasant... etc...
I gotta a reallie great work position... which I dun have to work too hard...
I gotta reallie NICE set of passengers ... who are polite... friendly... always smiling... and basically sweet ~
Guess what, JJ LIN is on my flight... sitting just opposite my aisle ( typically the side that I am working at... ) ~
I did get to talk to JJ... one to one... and he smiled at me ... with his boyish grin!
I've got plenty of time to ask him for a autograph...
But amazingly... I DIDN'T... I FORGOT!!! DAMN~Hahaha... probly cuz I dun normally chase idols...
Thus the thought of eagerly asking for autographs was not drilled in me yet...
Anyway... when JJ Lin just boarded the plane... I had NO FREAKING IDEA that he was sitting jus opposite from where I was working...
As I am always engrossed in my own world... my side of passengers kept me so busy~
...plus... you know stars are super good at being discreet~ :)
Untill... one of my colleague was exclaiming to me : " JJ LIN IS ONBOARD LEH!!!"
I was like : " is it? "
so... I also discreetly went over to take a look and realise...
Our local superstar... amazingly musically talented Lin Jun Jie is sitted just a few metres away from me~
Actuallie... I have come across with a few celebs before... like Joi Chua, Qi Yu Wu, Aska Yang Zhong Wei... :)
But simply... JJ is so friendly~:)
*Alicia heart genuine and friendly ppl!!! *
The rest of the celebs that I fly with are normally pretty quiet... thus being at work and professional... I dun usually disturb them unless neccessary... :P
Not to say... I disturb JJ...haha~
To be honest.. I am surprised by JJ Lin...
He is reallie nice, friendly, genuine, polite, accomodating and cute~
I would normally think that Stars are nice, friendly , genuine and polite on the surface... because they need to...
Why would anyone wanna be nice to everyone when they dun even know them~
But... you know he's genuine to everyone... I can tell...
...and he reallie takes pic with all of us and even pose funny faces... with us.. :)
Well... JJ has super good skin... flawless~
and... he speaks reallie good mandarin~ ( u know reallie like those you hear on taiwanese drama~ )
(if u know wat I mean... )
Anyway.. here's a short conversation of JJ Lin and Alicia ...
Seeing that JJ has finished his food, being a reallie efficient crew decided to clear his table promtly...
So... I went to clear his table...
Alicia : " Hi... can I get you some coffee or tea... ? "
JJ : " waader pls... :) " (followed by a reallie dazzling smile ... )
Alicia: " sorry...? " (I dun understand la (-.-) )
JJ: "Waddeer ...."
Alicia... Finally getting it...
Alicia: "water...? " (feeling like a dumbo... ppl speaking Ang moh slang... )
I probly was expecting some singaporean english ... from our local hero.. haha ...
Then after he came to our galley to speak to the crew... (How sweet~ )
and happily obliged us in our photo taking frenzy~ haha...
(all the crew even from Economy class came up for a snapshot with JJ... even the China stewardess... can u imagine how popular he is... ? )
He is reallie friendly... and he even take pictures of the crew neh... how unlikely from a star~
Unfortunately amidst all the frenzy... I only took 2 pics with him... on my moblie...
*This was the picture that is a must take... haha... *
JJ lin alone... we were joking that maybe I can fetch a tidy sum by selling it to his thousans of fans...
mmmmMMMMmmm.. assuming I sell it at 10 cents each.... base on his tens of thousands of fans... $$$$

I LOVE this pic... and JJ amazed me cuz he so gamely posed when I said... let's do a funny shot...

*Alicia and JJ... *
This is an experience~
It's definitely not everyday you get to meet artistes like him~ :)
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