Surprise, surprise... I'm still getting jetlagged... after flying for three years... and constantly doing states flight~

Then we took a slow walk to the nearby mall to grab a bite.... :) I decided to eat korean food! Which, my dardar has NEVER tried before...(He's not too adventurous with food you see...) But I LOVE TO SEE HIM TRY NEW THINGS... and sometimes, my dardar secretly thinks I am a "bian tai" aka pervert... haha... cuz sometimes, even if I know he won't like the food, I would make him try it at least once, or twice... thrice the max! :)
Well.. I'm pretty happy that my dardar likes the food... He says..."It's a simple meal... once in awhile eat, ok la..." (but his real meaning behind would be... "EDIBLE... not Fantastic... Hope My baby won't drag me to eat it again.. I rather have my chix rice..." ) I know him too well... :P
But I totally enjoyed it~ Infact, I am craving for it NOW!!!
I'll just share a piece of good news... I haven't been to Korea for the longest time... and my new roster is out~
"SHUN DO BUL" (Tofu soup.... forgive me for loosely translate in Eng) "kimchi soup" Here I come~
While we were having our lunch, my baby suddenly whipped out a pressie wrapped in a pretty rose wrapper... : "SURPRISE BABY"
haha... The sweet BF of mine got me a surprise present, without any special occasions~
shaking the poor pressie here and there, trying to guess wat is it~
ME: " BOOK?"
ME: " mmmm..... photo frame? "
BABY: " NO" (with a smug look on his face... cuz I always guess his surprises correct the first 2 tries...) :)
ME: " ok... I know le... CD!!!!"
BABY: " EEYA... NO FUN DE..." ( haha... disappointed look... )
I know you too well baby~ ( Isn't that a good thing? )
Haa~ You gotta work harder at surprising me~
Then I eagerly unwrapped the pressie... and guess wat... It's BY2Girl album...
I admit, I am not crazy over the girlband, but I think that their songs are lovely!!!
My sweet baby knowing I like their songs, decided to get me their album and save me from committing the hideous crime of "DOWNLOADING DA SONG ILLEGALLY ONLINE" ... :p
*I honestly love it baby~*
*muack muack*
After Lunch, we headed to the supermarket to get my "drystores" (it's wat crew always call our food items... we buy & eat that as our meals in the room, when we dun feel like going out...) for my flight....
I never fail to stop by the magazine section~
Love reading gossip magazines~
After close to an hour of grocery shopping, I am proud to present...
I know~ It's consist of alot of unhealthy snacks~
You know... I am a reallie lazy girl.... I dislike inconvenience~ thus I would usually buy food that require minimal preparation...
I never get food that require microwave or heating (as our crew lounge in most hotels has a microwave...)
The most inconvenient food, that I ever bring is a "cup noodle" :s
Biscuits, chips, choco are my main meal... my dearies~ :X
And to be honest... This is very little drystores for a 14days trip away~
Then while queueing to pay for my groceries, I was behind this cute little "angmoh" boy with her mom, paying...
Then being a Kaypoh Singaporean, I openly scrutinise her purchases... as she bought like SUPER ALOT of food lor...
Then I exclaimed: "dear~ look at the amount of CANDIES she bought!!!"
dar : "wah... so much arh... stock up lor..."
Me: "I think when they reach home, they will open up all the candies and pour it all into the bathtub... for the little boy to bath in lor!!!"
Me: " wah... He's LUCKY then!!! Can bath and eat at the same time~ "
and... my Dar couldn't stop laughing~
*Look at the Boy's anxious face when the auntie is counting the total number packet of sweets... *
*I bet he must be terrified that I would grab some from the pile, from the way I couldn't stop looking at his candies and giggling away...*
After shopping, we spotted a bench for us to rest our tired feet...( aren't we like some loving old english couple...) haha...
We were seating directly opposite this shop " Totheirno" ...
Then being the "bo liao" me, I ask dar... how to pronounce it...
My Dar pronounce it something like : Toh deh ri no...
...and... I was like It's so NO FEEL la~
I must be right~ haha... To-Their-No... hOr?? :P
Being so bored and me not feeling like going home, we decided to pamper ourselves with a leg massage~
It's Fantastic...
...haha... look at my masseuse blurred face...
Looks so scary!:P
Lastly, we ended our simple date, having TEA...
The taitai lifestyle... hee
I totally LOVE these Xiao Long Bao.... It's only $7.50 for 10 pieces...
And It's reallie tasty... I swear It's better than Crystal Jades~ :)
Being in the States...
recalling all the memories...
make me miss you so much Dar...
I'm coming home soon... baby~
*Absence do make the heart fonder*
But I don't like it~:S
*I love you*
P.s. I am off to "CHEESECAKE FACTORY" to ease my aching heart now..;P (The Guilty pleasures in life...)
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