Updating on my Russia, Moscow CIRCUS TRIP!!!
There is ALOT of pictures in this post... Thus I'm gonna keep my writing to the very minimal...
*Pictures speaks a dozen words*
We took a train down to the Main Circus in Russia.... erm... To be honest, I reallie have zero idea how to pronounce the name....
well... here's a picture of the Circus name... can u pronounce it???
Tough right... It's all in russian language...
Here's some pics of us... camwhoring while waiting for the train.... :)
*Alicia, Vanessa, Reena, SookYee, ChengTong*
*I am the photographer leh~ * : P
So BORING... It's taking so long ... we waiting for another group of crew to meet us...:( so... Camwhoring is a absolutely great way to pass time!!! :)
THE COMPLICATED RUSSIAN TRAIN STATION MAP!!! Can u figure it out???? I'm thinking... Thank god for experience crew who know their way around Russia... if I'm wondering alone, I'll definitely be lost!!!! and I can't even communicate to the people around me! :S
*Camwhoring along the way... in the train...*
Anyway, while in the train, there was group of young russian, singing and cheering loudly!!! It seems like they are going for soccer match or something ... :)
*Soccer Lover Fanatics* Well... we arrived at the Circus a little late... like 5 minutes late.... the show has already started...
I jus wanna say that the moment I step into the circus, the energy, the Aura...of the whole place is simply MAGICAL...ELECTRIFYING!!!
It is reallie a wonderful and special feeling! Love it*
and I was feeling super excited when I went in... Couldn't help but feel super excited like a little kid!!!
We are not allowed to take any photos during the showtime... I think it is due to the Flashes... that will affect the animals... and it will endanger the performers...
And there is a few pretty fierce looking russian lady standing watch over the audience....
Whenever someone takes a photo, or they spot a camera, they would walk over and deliver a rather stern and loud warning in russian ... not to use cammie!!! :(
But Alicia is very very disobedient!!! Cuz I still manage to take the pictures discreetly without flash... and I didn't get any warning from them!!! :P *Sneaky me*
*Some African Guys dancing around... Opening*
*The JESTER* aka HOST as well~
The appearance of the White Tiger sent everyone in cheers and claps!!!
I'm so sorry I didn't take much photos of the first segment as the fierce RL (russian lady) was standing just beside my area... dun wanna get into trouble and then kena thrown out! :P
There was a short toilet break... And we were back to more photo-taking... haha...:P
Hey!!! I wan cotton candy as well....! emelda*
Took a couple of pics of these pair of russian girls... they seem to love big flowers on their tiny head...:P
Here comes the ferocious lion....
And they are reallie fierce and ferocious ok!!! They reallie growling super loudly at their trainer!!!
It's reallie amazing to see how they could tame such a dangerous animal to learn all the clever tricks, balancing on tiny stand...that seems to fragile to take the weight of the beast!
*Unhappy lion growling*
Can u see the Trainer??? So many beast and only one human being!!! Jus a single mistake, and we would soon be witnessing a bad attack... but fortunately the trainer is firm and focus when he doing the show!!!
At times, he even had to whipped the beasts hard to get them to move... scary~
Though my heart ache for the animals... But I know the trainer is just doing his job... :(
It is incredible cute to witness this: "Gong Xi Fa Cai" hee :P
and... one of the lion refuse to stop waving even after everyone has stopped... so incredibly cute... that makes me wanna give him a big hug!!! :P
The beast doing a turning circle on the teeny weeny stand!!!
This cheeky lion is playing dead...wahahaha~
This lion reallie knows how to capture the heart of the audience.... so cute~
Next Up, An acrobatic show... in the dark... I see it clearly... but unfortunately, I couldn't capture it as vividly on cammie... :)
But It's absolutely awesome...The performers were realiie professional...
They flying in the air, from rope to rope... without any safety harness on at all...
They purely use the strengths of their hand, arms and leg to support themself!!!
Then the stage disappeared into a FOUNTAIN POOL!!! COOL~
Water Acrobatics by Mongolian girls with incredibly soft bones~
Sexy performer doing an acrobatic scene ~ : )
The colourful Closing!!!
The performers bowing to us infront of a very spectacular fountain!!!
Look at the super spectacular fountain!!! AWESOME!!!
Group Photo!!! :)
Alicia with an empty circus backdrop~ :P
All of us suspect this guy is planted among the audience and he is a crew of the production as he keeps on being invited to stage for magic tricks... UNFAIR!!!
*The Girls*
*Spotted a pretty little girl in a sweet pink dress*
My In flight Supervisor with his super cool Ray Ban sunnies~ :P
Look at that Monkey!!! Super round and FAT... Initially, I thought that it was a toy..then when I say it move, I realise it's real... super cute..haha.. and it's wearing a diaper... super like baby~
Anyone interested to ride a camel...? :P
Pony rides for little children...cute~
And it is not even cause by the rain... :)
I reallie enjoyed myself at the circus... It was a reallie amazing experience~
I'm telling you this piece of post didn't reallie do much justice to the wonderful time I had at the circus...
You reallie should be there to experience it yourself!!!
It's a must do!!!
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