It was my first time at Gallery Bar...
The place is pretty cosy and I love it as it is not as crowded as Butter Fac, or Zouk...And the dance floor is right in front of the DJ console... cool~
A big party where everyone knows everyone~
Love it~
Btw... probably, something to share... I love to party with my fellow colleagues as... we speak the same "lingo" (as in language... erm... like in our own terms...) ...
There is always lotsa of gossips and rumours to share ( as my "antenna" is pretty short... thus in times like these, I get to catch up on the latest NEWS...)
We are all a bunch of spontaneous people, who enjoy having fun, who LOVE life... and knows how to have fun!!!
I love going out with them~
(even if it means I gotta sacrifice sleep... it's well worth it... well... Alicia party all the way to 3am in the morning, came back home... freshen up and rush off to the airport for her early morning jarkarta turnaround flight!!!)
well... initially, I was thinking of skipping the party for my nightly beauty sleep~
But I'm glad I DID NOT~
To me, When it comes to partying, the people and most importanly the MUSIC is very important!!!
with good crowd, but not so interesting music, it would be boring as the crowd wouldn't move~ with fantastic music, but boring people, it's even worst.... cuz obviously, the dance floor would be empty~ And I dun wanna be the centre of attraction~ dancing alone... bla~
Well... the mix yesterday was HEAVENLY~
haha... as the DJ was non other than.....
*ahem... sorry... I'm busy changing songs... can come back take pics later? :P
*The DJ's computer...all the precious music are inside...* RICE BOWL*
Wow~ Cool right!!!:) I had fun spinning last night....:P
HAHA... Gotcha??!!!?? Jus kidding la~
The real DJ is non other than....
He used to be a flying crew but has since resigned to pursue his dreams... MUSIC~
Thus... It jus goes to show... Cabin crew are NEVER high class Waiter/waitress!!!
There are loads of hidden gem waiting to be discover...
We are not some people thing we are...
We can be intellectual when we want to...
We are well travelled & updated of what's going on around the globe that general people may not know or aware of...
We just have a life... outside of work and family... unlike 9-5 working people, who are constantly caught in a vicious cycle.... Of rushing to complete their task & deadlines... day after day... month after month... year after year...
And ... yes... I am very happy that I am a flying crew...
It is a fun, enriching experience...
and... It certainly change my life... and my personal growth! :)
so... parents out there... pls don't tell your kids when you see us cleaning the toilets by saying... "See la.. if next time you don't study hard, you'll end up like this jiejie cleaning toilet!!!"
We simply just take pride in our jobs and we simply just wish to provide you, the paying customers; with the best service to make your trip more comfortable & nice ya...
If you have nothing nice to say... You can consider teaching your kids some basic courtesy by saying "THANK YOU JIE JIE" with a big sweet smile~ :) and we probably will serve you an extra cup of nice coffee with extra cream and sugar... and Apple Juice instead of the "sour" Orange Juice to ur child...:P
and... FYI... many crew are degree holders... and I have colleagues, who are ex-lawyers, bankers, etc... :)
Think about it ..."Parents" before making uncalled remarks... and rude statements without giving a damn of other people feelings like ours... and setting an utterly bad example in front of your precious child ~ We are human with feelings too ya :)
kk... Back to the DJ... He plays at Gallery Bar (St james power house) every sat... His mix is really great~
*Alicia and Freshade Boon*
*Alicia and Wendy babe~*
*Catherine Lim and me*:P
My Only drink the whole night... as I gotta work in a damn tired state of mind later on... I didn't dare to drink too much~
*The Jester,Dinesh again~ self taken by him:P*
*Alicia and Wendy Babe again*
*The super Sweet Lovebirds, who have been together for like FOREVER~ Wendy and Tiong*
*US again~ Acting cool!!! love the classic expression on Dinesh*
*Hey dude...Where ya lookin?*:P
The dude & the Belle~
*Love Wendy here... simply adorable~*
*Put on ur BRIGHTEST SMILE... dudes and babes~*
*Alicia and Steph* The damsel~
*Aaaawww.. so cute~* Betram , me , Daryl*
*There we go again~*
Hey Daryl~ That's a nice one!!!:P
Honestly speaking, I comtemplated skipping the party as I thought it might be pretty boring as it's not the usual Butter and Zouk... But... IT TURNED OUT TO BE A BLAST!!!
KUDOS to Freshade Boon for organizing this for his girlfriend as its her birthday today ~
AND... I AM SO UPSET WITH MY CAMERA...The quality is so blur...after seeing Wendy's Cammie... I know its time to get a new one... Her pics all turned out Fabulous... *Envy envy envy*
Btw, I'm reallie sorry for the dates on the picture as I am too lazy to reset the date... Will do so soon~ :)
Ok... Thats all for now...and ... I am gonna call my beloved darling