Anway... When my dardar came to my place, I was doing my blog entry on the "the STUPID PIG FLU scare... oink oink " .. hee... it was a looonnng entry and I couldn't finish in time to meet my baby which I thought I could... anyway... while waiting for me, he got bored... and started to snap pictures of me... :)
I love some of the pictures though...
*Me lying in bed blogging*

*mmMmMMmmm... wat shall I write...? *
*Yes...? baby... you boring arh....:) *
*ok...I entertain you... make funny face... FUNNIE...? *
Finally...I finished my blog entry after several hours... :) so now... you know, Alicia put in alot of effort in her blog leh... hee...
Dardar ask me if I could play the piano for him as he missed watching me play the piano...even though I don't play very well...haha...
So, of course...I agreed. But I really am feeling very nervous inside as I haven't touched the keyboards ever since I started flying; which is like three years ago... :(
Being a perfectionist Alicia... I'm so afraid I would play awfully... which I am sure... I will.
But Thankfully, my sweet and understanding baby still loves my music after so many years.. :)
*Me playing piano while dar snap away* *Dar...I love this picture. Thank you!*
I'm sure you guys are itching to hear my piano skills ya...? haha...I've uploaded two videos of me playing... but please... please... please....
as... I know I didn't play very well..
Please pardon me for the mistakes made... and if possible... dun switch blogs... if it is not soothing to your ears ok... :)
But seriously, I have to add... the music was melodious to my dardar ears... Dunno why... He love the video so much... :)
I hope you enjoyed it as much my darling did. :P
(But before you play the video... Please Turn-Off the background music by pressing this button "II" located at the right column on the bear itself ya, thanks!)
*Turn Left, Turn right music*
This is another one of his favourite classical tune... But i "Ooo-long" & kept forgetting the chord... so "pai-say"... :(
So after fulfilling my dardar's wishes, we quickly get ready to leave... as it was starting to rain heavily!!! Dardar hate raining weather when going out with this baby here... :(
but... on the other hand, cheer up dar~ we get to share an umbrella under the rain...
Romatic leh!!!!
It's our first time sharing an umbrella under the rain... erm... It may seem romantic in the movies... but dunno why.. when it comes to us... it's simply pathetic~
we were so "LANG BEI"... DRENCHED from top to toe.... sian~
My dardar is worst... he was so sweet to use his shoulder to shield me... thus he's whole shoulder was WET~ I only realise that he was using himself to shield me when I exclaimed: " dear... think the rain still ok la hor... I'm not too drenched leh.. : )" Then my dar said..."LOOK AT ME BABY" ... That's when I realise that he was all DRENCHED ...I burst out laughing... erm... I know it's not an appopriate reaction... but... I can't believe that I was so stupid not to realise my dardar was covering me with his shoulder and body... so swweettt~
*me preparing to go out*
*me getting ready with an umbrella*
*Dar... I wear jacket ok... raining.... so cold~*
*Rain, Rain... go away~ come again another day...:X*
*The rain was so heavy... OMG ~ and the wind was so strong... look at my poor umbrella...*
Sorry baby~ a kiss for you... all wet le... poor thing~
We walked all the way under the heavy rain from my house to eat THIS...
*MEE SIAM and LAKSA* I'm not a fan of laksa or mee siam under normal circumstances... but I jus can't resist the noodles from this shop... I reallie love th authentic peranakan taste of the soup here... yummie...
Dardar doesn't think it is that fantastic though... he don't think it is worth the walk under the rain jus to eat this ...hee... but have no choice... cuz I have a craving for it...:P
*Slurrrppp* Yumyumyum~
After having a sumptous meal, we head down to Orchard Cineleisure to watch "Angels and Demons" ...
I have already read the book of Angels and Demon... And personally, I really find that the book is much more fascinating... I seriously worship Dan Brown. In my opinion, he is really a genuis. He could really write very well. And his story always keeps me in suspense.
To me, a good book is one that when I finished reading it, I would feel it is a pity for reading it too fast. I wanna savour every page, every word in that book... And the book Angel and Demon, made me feel this way..:)
I find that a lot of details were missing from the movie.... Although it fairly follow the storyline from the book, thus if you have not read the book, like my dardar, I guess you would enjoy watching it. :) Overall, I think it is worthy to watch...
After watching the movie, it's dinner time again... haha... as I suddenly had a craving for Bak Kut Teh, so Bak Kut Teh we eat... :) It taste just like home cooked meal... Love the salty veg...
Right after dinner... Alicia stayed-over at her darling's place... :)
The next day...
*Good morning baby ~ *

*Dardar...I love you~*
*Alicia doing make up while boring dardar takes picture to occupy his time*
When I was ready, we headed down to eat my dardar favourite meal... CHICKEN RICE~
It was not my favourite food... and I used to eat it only when neccesary... but because of dardar, I 've learnt to appreciate this local cuisine that "ang moh" love so much...:)
*Alicia concentrating on taking good pictures...:P*
After satisfying my man's tummy, we headed down to bugis junction... erm... should I say Liang seah street, just opposite bugis... I wanted to try out the "Top ONE" ktv, which my friend was telling me about. She said it was reallie cool, with loads of sound effect, lighting effect, and different themes for the room... plus it is supposed to be cheaper than K-box...
Well, I was a little disappointed when I reach there... To me wat makes a good KTV is most importantly, it should have a great sound system. I find that the sound system wasn't as good as KTV...
The room is nice... the lighting effect is great!
My dardar had a great time playing with it haha...
We took pictures trying to project the feel of me singing on a stage~
haha... I had a GREAT time overall...
*Singing makes me happy...*
*Alicia... sing with more feelings please....*
*Woah... look at the lighting shining on me... superstar~*
Don't puke (you've been warned ya) at these videos you are about to see... My Dar video it & says it is my personal mini-concert :)p
Hope your ears survived thru it all ya! :)p
Spending time with my darling were the best moments in my life...
I'm so glad I met you Dar....
What did I do baby... To deserve a blessing like you.... my life....

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