Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan erected the Taj Mahal in the memory of his beloved wife, Mumtaz Mahal.
He met his beloved wife at age fourteen, and fell in love at first sight...She was a muslim persian princess.
Five years later, in 1612, they were married...
Mumtaz Mahal was an inseparable companion and lover to Shah Jagan.
(How deep is their love... can you imagine in that generation...? )
In 1631, Mumtaz Mahal died while giving birth to their 14th child.
(Can you imagine how heartbroken the husband must have felt... )
Mumtaz Mahal knew that if she were to die, her husband will be very heartbroken... thus she called her husband to her deathbed... She made her husband promise her that he will built the world's most beautiful monument in her memory. By saying this, she knew it would keep her husband from grieving too much for her... : ) (such a sweet and lovely lady)
Thus, Shah Jagan indeed built a magnificent monument.... as a tribute to his beloved wife...
It is known at the "Taj Mahal" ... Shah Jagan, himself also lies entombed in it along with his wife...
Taj Mahal was built in the 1631... it took approximately 22 years to built...and it made use of 22000 labourers, 1000 elephants...
It was built ENTIRELY out of white marbles... brought in from all over India and central Asia...
It signifies the purity of love that continues to touch souls... decades of years later... generations after generations... around the world....
*My Tour Guide*...erm...I forgotten his name le... sorry...:X...But...He's a really nice man... professional... knowleageble with regards to India and Taj Mahal... And I think he has GREAT and CHARMING SMILE... :D
*YEAH... finally, after four hours of bumpy... and super noisy bus ride... we have arrived at the Taj Mahal...YoOo hOoO... P.S. Indians love to HONK when they drive... they even have a sign board behind their vehicles, that indicates "pls honk!!!" ... I swear!!!! Thus.... It's not really comfy taking rides in India... and I bet it must be damn stressful driving there too... (^.^)
*Group Photo time ;P Alicia, Vanessa, Adam, XiongXiong, ShuTian*
I think I look like Angelina Jolie here...: ) and Adam looks SUPER happie... haha ~
Please look at how white the Taj Mahal is in contrast to the sky... It looks jus like a beautiful painting isn't it... I am truely in awe... and I fell in love with Taj Mahal at first sight... omg... and... can you believe... it is the first time I find that I am in love with India!!????!!!??!?! :P
Me doing the "touristy" stuff... hehe... YoOoHoOo... I TOUCHED THE TIP OF THE TAJ MAHAL... so tall~
*A kiss for the Taj, Muack*
*US again~* we are so glad to be here!!! WeeeeEeEeEE~
Apparently, there was really alot of Indians at the TajMahal... The Indians reallie love this place....and you can actually see alot of them relaxing around the area... and these two little girls requested to take a picture with us... as the tour guide explained that they very seldom see "white" girls... thus... they are very fascinated by us... and wanted to take picture with us...???Oh ok...gladly, we took a picture with them... But can somebody explain why is there such a BIG gap between the girls????!!!??? Are they leaving the space for some unknown "entity" ???
*super cute chipmunks...*
*We gotta wear these "socks" or choose to take off our shoes as a sign of respect for the mosque... and we gladly choose the socks.... :)* not because we are afraid of the trouble of taking out our shoes but because the temperature in India is nearing 40 deg celcius... so can you imagine how freaking HOT the ground is!!!
*Nearing the Taj... so excited... Vanessa... wat you doing?!?*
All these are scriptures in Indian language... not too sure if it is Tamil... I asked the Tour guide wat does it means... and he says that it means...erm... words of good deeds... : ) btw... jus to let you know the wordings are all carved onto the marble and the black colour wording... are made of black gems.... :)

All the carvings, once again are painstakingly carved by hand... and every of the colourful flowers are beautiful gems ....
*took pictures with the beautiful carvings.... love it*
*Look at the beautiful white marbles against the clear blue sky.... and you can see the scriptures from this photo... *

*Shutian,Xiong Xiong,Adam, Vanessa, Alicia*
*Bottle advertisement?!??!!!?*
*The Girls*
*Look at me... all sweaty and hot~*
Some Indian man carrying wood the ol' fashion way...:)

You know... in Singapore, we have loads of stray dogs,in India... there's stray cow!!! :P

Mooooo mooooOoOoo~~~~
* FINALLY... Dinner time!!!! Alicia's FAMISHED~*
*Lamb roll... not my cup of tea...*
*some mixed vegetables in curry sauce...*
*Butter Chicken... abit salty for me... but other than that... It's yummie!*

Last Stop: Marble monument shop... Me taking pictures with a hot marble mama~
Lastly, I would like to introduce to you my wonderful hotel room in India, Delhi... It's really comfortable and cosy... I really love it... but the thing is... There was constant blackout in the room for uptill 8-10seconds, which can be reallie scary... Imagine total darkness, not a single sound, in a foreign land, in a foreign hotel room... I was freaked out the first time it happened! But thank god... it only lasted for about 8 secs...
ok... Here's what I had for lunch the next day ... CHICKEN BRIYANI...
It was not fantastic... Edible... but not the best I have tasted... I still love the Chicken Briyani in Dubai most!!! :)
*My warm and cosy bed.... love snuggling beneath the blankets*

*My Welcome Fruit~ I had the mango... so sweet and juicy*
*Super Comfy sofa with table for my room service!*
*My Welcome Fruit~ I had the mango... so sweet and juicy*
*The Bathroom...*

*My see through bathroom... Dar should LOVE this*
*Alicia camwhoring in the room* :P
*Alicia again*

I am at the end of my Taj Mahal Blog... Finally... hehe...
I'm so glad... I made it to the Taj Mahal... It is so beautiful and the deep love between the King and his wife really touched me deep...
I really hope one day, I would be able to find a man who love me so deep after I have passed away... to pass on our love to many many generations.... : ) That would be so romantic~
So fairytale~
But right now, I'm really happy with my Dardar... :)
Anyway, Alicia just touched down from Brisbane and I am so exhausted~
I'm gonna catch some sleep now...
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